Friday, August 19, 2011

Starting Week 4 Already!

My my how time has flown by.  Yes, my post is about a day late to talk about my Day 22 workout.  Wifey and I decided to switch workout times for this week.  Where I've been getting up at 5 am to work out and she's worked out after we get home from work, now I'm on the late end of that.  It kinda screws me up, but whatever.  I can deal for a week.

Day 22 is supposed to be "Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs".  With Cardio Abs, you do have the option (if you have the additional dvds) to substitute Insane Abs.  I decided to give Insane Abs a go right after I finished Pure Cardio.  Yeah, "Insane Abs" is definitely titled correctly. Some of the moves on there are the same as on Cardio Abs, but there are a lot that are different.  Insane Abs is about 35 minutes, as opposed to Cardio Abs which is about 17 minutes.  I will admit that I struggled through a lot of the exercises for the Abs due either to lack of balance or lack of core strength.  There were a couple of things on there, however, that I really did like too.  Admittedly a couple of times when Shaun T said "and we're going to do that again- this time it's about speed and reps" , that i just might possibly have given the tv screen the finger.  That's the first time I've done that even including the first day!!

Tonight is Cardio Balance & Resistance- another killer for me.  I can't wait to get it knocked out though.

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