Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1 Month of Insanity Completed

It's been a rough week for me- not so much for the workouts, although I've had a few rough days with those too.  I'm still trying to put together the thoughts about the loss of mine & my wife's beloved 19 yr old cat on August 20.  I've not had a very easy time dealing with it.  I'll go into that in another post, once I feel fully composed and can really put my thoughts into the right words.

For now, I'll just move on to the results since I've completed the first month.

after 4 weeks

What isn't translating so much in the photo yet is that I'm starting to gain at least a little definition in the top 2 rows of abs.  Also my stomach is definitely continuing to shrink.  I'm not posting the weight results this time and won't until I go back to the doctor on Sept. 6 and I'll post those "official" results at that time.  For now:

Stomach (around navel): 36.5" (down 1/2" since last week- 5 1/2 inches so far total)
Chest: 38" (same as last week- still down 2" since the beginning)


  1. OMG...It's been a month already! Good for you, Ken! Definitely a major accomplishment :-)

  2. Thanks a bunch. It's hard to believe that a month has already gone by so quickly. I'm pretty proud (and still surprised) that I've actually stuck with it this long. Tomorrow starts "Recovery Week", where it's supposed to get you more ready for month 2 (month 2 is "Max" everything). The "Recovery Week" dvd is supposed to be "Core Cardio & Balance", but can be substituted (if you have the dvd) with "Max Interval Sports Training". With flag football season coming up in just a couple of weeks, I'm going with the substitution and doing the sports training.
