Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2 Weeks Complete

Today is the 14th day for my workouts, which is my off-day.  As I did last week (and what I'm planning on continuing doing), I'm making my off-days my official weigh-in and measurement days.  Kristen and I are both noticing a difference in my appearance, although it is not necessarily translating into the photos just yet.  She's primarily noticed that I'm getting that indent along the sides of my abs.  I know along the top of my abs is definitely flattening out and my cardio is definitely coming up.  So here we go with the official results and today's photo (I'll save everyone the horror and not post up the prior 2 weeks' photos...just the one for today):

After 2 weeks (you can see part of the indent if you look near the tattoo)
Weight: 190.2 lbs. (down 1 lb from last week)
Abdomen: 37 1/4' (down 1 1/4" from last week)
Chest: 38 1/2" (down 1/2" from last week)

Although I have had some very frustrating and trying days with the diet (because there's just literally NOTHING that I can have food-wise that can just be for "pleasure"), I do know that my body is changing.  I'm not necessarily seeing a whole lot (aside from knowing my stomach is going down and my shirts are fitting better in the stomach area too), but seeing things number-wise is good motivation.  Tomorrow is Fit Test Day- can't wait to see how much I've improved since Day 1!

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