Thursday, August 11, 2011

Start of Week 3 - Fit Test Day!

What a start to the day!  Although I didn't fall asleep until late, I still got up at 5 am to get my workout done.  Kristen is adamant about not knowing what my Fit Test scores are until after she gets hers done (she hasn't been feeling well, so she's had to take a couple of days off of right now her fit test looks like it will be Sunday).  So, for her sake, in case she decides to read this, I won't post up my scores for this one in comparison to week 1 until probably Monday.  I will say this, though- there were definite improvements.  I'm not saying that I've vastly improved on ALL of them- although all of them were higher than day 1.  What I am saying, though, is that while a couple had minor improvements, a few had MAJOR improvements.  I really put what energy I had into it this morning and when I was done, my whole body was shaking and felt exhausted.  I'm here at work, still feeling a bit weak and a little not-so-good, but I'll recover.  Back to the regular workouts tomorrow!


  1. Ken, can you explain this fit test thing to me? What are you measuring for comparison??

  2. On your very first day you put in the Fit Test DVD. There's a short warm up and stretch and then you have the following exercises that you do as many as you can in 1 minute (yes, theres a timer on the video)

    Switch Kicks
    Power Jacks
    Power Knees
    Power Jumps
    Globe Jumps
    Suicide Jumps
    Push-up Jacks
    Low Plank Obliques

    So, on day 1 you write down how many you do on each one. Then following the chart, about every 2 weeks you take the fit test again and write down your numbers for comparison to see your progression.

  3. I don't even know what those things are :*-(

  4. Neither did I until the very first Fit Test.
