Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Insanity Day 6 - Back to Plyometrics

Got up early again this morning to knock out my workout before work.  So far that timing has worked out pretty good on a couple of levels.  First, I've felt a bit more awake when I've actually gotten to work.  I haven't felt like crashing during the day either.  Secondly, I've pretty much been ready to drop around 10 or 10:30 at night and have been sleeping at least until 3:30 or 4 am...or on the lucky days, until my alarm actually goes off at 5.  That's a WHOLE LOT more sleep than I've been getting for a really long time now.  So, if nothing else, Insanity is getting me more rest- the rest that I actually need.

Okay, so onto the workout part.  I feel like my cardio is starting to come up some already, even though it's only been day 6.  I got through most of the Plyometric Cardio Circuit without taking as many breaks this time.  I'm still having a lot of trouble around the halfway point through the workout when it switches up to a lot of the exercises involving push-ups and moves from the high-plank position.  I've never been one that's really been great like that with push ups, so it's giving me a lot of difficulty- especially at the timing of that in the workout.  I'm really sore and really feeling it today.  I'll go with saying that it's a good thing and that it means that something is working.  I'm digging deep and pushing hard.  I want results.  One thing I am glad of right now, is that tomorrow is the "off day" even though part of me feels as though I should be doing something.  I know not to over train and to give my muscles some rest, so I wont push and do stuff tomorrow.  I plan on taking a picture tomorrow morning and posting that to be my week 1 photo.  I'm not expecting much in the line of visual differences, as it's only been a week.  I think it'll be fun/cool to compare, however, as time goes on.  So, I'll say this now, being that there's no workout tomorrow- one week of Insanity complete!!


  1. hey Ken, when I get moved back you and your wifey should take some dance lessons, keeps you surprisingly in shape once you are in shape...it actually requires a lot of cardio....so when I move back I would love to make some suggestions..until them I will follow you on your journey and just admire you and your mission! BLESS jean g

  2. Thanks a bunch!! I'll talk to wifey about it. My time is SOOO limited with taking classes and working 2 jobs, I don't know what else I can fit in. With the dvd's, I just have to go in the living room, so it's a lot less time that I have to commit to overall too. We'll talk more about it another time though. Thanks for the follow!! :-)
