Wednesday, August 17, 2011

3 Weeks & the Scale @ Home Is Psycho

Today is the off day of the workouts, so it's weekly update time.  What I've found out in the meantime is that the scale at home is a liar and that it's psycho.  How do I figure this?  Well, one day I step on the scale and it says one thing, the next day is 2 lbs heavier, and then it's just random.  According to the scale at home, in the last week I gained 2 1/2 lbs.  Yesterday I went to my doctor's office for a follow-up with the diet and to get officially weighed in there (old-fashioned scale) and I actually lost 3 lbs.  The scale at his office is a lot more accurate than the digital one at home, even generally speaking.  So, when we go to the stats today, I'm going to post what I've weighed in at when I've gone to his office previously and what I weigh now.  I've had bi-weekly appointments since I've started the diet portion and since he said I have a good handle on the diet, the next appointment won't be for another 3 weeks.  We'll here on out use that to be official- so for future blog posts, I'm only going to post weight once I've gone to his office and I'm not going to use the scale at home for it.

Continuing on, I'm pretty happy with the picture this week.  I can see some tone coming in and when I look in the mirror, I can see a definitive difference from where I was before.

After 3 weeks of Insanity
Right now I'm really happy seeing the photo and seeing that I'm definitely starting to get results.  I honestly didn't expect to see much after only 3 weeks, but this really gives me extra motivation to keep pushing through.

And now for the stats:

Weight (at Dr.'s office)- The diet started on July 6- Insanity started July 28

July 5- 205lbs
July 19- 200lbs
August 3- 195.5lbs
August 16- 192lbs

So far, I've lost 13 lbs.


Stomach (around navel)- 37" ( 1/4 inch lost since last week...not super happy with that this time), but so far, that's a 5 1/2" loss since July 14.

Chest- 38" (1/2" loss around chest since last week).  Since July 14, 2" have been lost around the chest.

In summary, my body is definitely changing, which is making me happy.  I'm not overly thrilled with my results for the week, but it is what it is.  I'm trying to stick to the diet hard and I'm pushing myself with my workouts every day, so the results are what they are.  Overall I'm pretty happy... just not thrilled with the results for the week.

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