Wednesday, August 31, 2011

5 Weeks Down- 4 To Go

This week was the "Recovery Week".  The workouts are set up so that you can get your heart rate up, but you're giving your body a break from the pounding that it took the first 4 weeks of the program.  The daily program is called "Core Cardio & Balance" and you do the same dvd each day.  If you have the extra dvds, you can substitute in "Max Interval Sports Training".  I did the substitution on Thursday (first day of the workout week for me) and after that, I focused on the Core Cardio & Balance instead.  I did like the Sports Training Workout, but I figured at least the first time through Insanity, I'd go with the basic program.

I'll honestly admit that I've been really bad about doing my diet.  Mentally I've been a bit fatigued with everything going on.  Yes, I know that it's no excuse.  I haven't been HORRIBLE about the diet, but I need to get back into really paying attention with what I'm doing and stop eating some of the crap that I have been lately. 

I don't know if it's my being bad with my diet that had an effect on my results or the fact that it wasn't as hard of a workout each day.  Here's my 5th week photo, which overall I'm okay with.  I believe I'm still gaining some tone although my measurement results don't reflect a change from last week.

5th Week Photo

Last Thursday, I also started refereeing for the Fall 2011 season of NVASA.  I will say that I definitely feel in better shape than I have been in a really long time.  I don't feel as exhausted when I've gotten home (after working 2 soccer matches) nor do I feel as sore.  I think I'm running better and I'm definitely not breathing as hard.  So far, I believe Insanity is really working for me.

Tomorrow starts Week 6, which is also the beginning of Max everything.  Where in the first month, the workouts generally range around 40 minutes, to my understanding the Max workouts are closer to 50 to 60 minutes each.  Tomorrow is a Fit Test PLUS the Max Interval Circuit.  Since I don't have soccer matches scheduled, the current plan is to take Fit Test #3 in the morning and then do the Max Interval Circuit in the evening.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1 Month of Insanity Completed

It's been a rough week for me- not so much for the workouts, although I've had a few rough days with those too.  I'm still trying to put together the thoughts about the loss of mine & my wife's beloved 19 yr old cat on August 20.  I've not had a very easy time dealing with it.  I'll go into that in another post, once I feel fully composed and can really put my thoughts into the right words.

For now, I'll just move on to the results since I've completed the first month.

after 4 weeks

What isn't translating so much in the photo yet is that I'm starting to gain at least a little definition in the top 2 rows of abs.  Also my stomach is definitely continuing to shrink.  I'm not posting the weight results this time and won't until I go back to the doctor on Sept. 6 and I'll post those "official" results at that time.  For now:

Stomach (around navel): 36.5" (down 1/2" since last week- 5 1/2 inches so far total)
Chest: 38" (same as last week- still down 2" since the beginning)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Starting Week 4 Already!

My my how time has flown by.  Yes, my post is about a day late to talk about my Day 22 workout.  Wifey and I decided to switch workout times for this week.  Where I've been getting up at 5 am to work out and she's worked out after we get home from work, now I'm on the late end of that.  It kinda screws me up, but whatever.  I can deal for a week.

Day 22 is supposed to be "Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs".  With Cardio Abs, you do have the option (if you have the additional dvds) to substitute Insane Abs.  I decided to give Insane Abs a go right after I finished Pure Cardio.  Yeah, "Insane Abs" is definitely titled correctly. Some of the moves on there are the same as on Cardio Abs, but there are a lot that are different.  Insane Abs is about 35 minutes, as opposed to Cardio Abs which is about 17 minutes.  I will admit that I struggled through a lot of the exercises for the Abs due either to lack of balance or lack of core strength.  There were a couple of things on there, however, that I really did like too.  Admittedly a couple of times when Shaun T said "and we're going to do that again- this time it's about speed and reps" , that i just might possibly have given the tv screen the finger.  That's the first time I've done that even including the first day!!

Tonight is Cardio Balance & Resistance- another killer for me.  I can't wait to get it knocked out though.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

3 Weeks & the Scale @ Home Is Psycho

Today is the off day of the workouts, so it's weekly update time.  What I've found out in the meantime is that the scale at home is a liar and that it's psycho.  How do I figure this?  Well, one day I step on the scale and it says one thing, the next day is 2 lbs heavier, and then it's just random.  According to the scale at home, in the last week I gained 2 1/2 lbs.  Yesterday I went to my doctor's office for a follow-up with the diet and to get officially weighed in there (old-fashioned scale) and I actually lost 3 lbs.  The scale at his office is a lot more accurate than the digital one at home, even generally speaking.  So, when we go to the stats today, I'm going to post what I've weighed in at when I've gone to his office previously and what I weigh now.  I've had bi-weekly appointments since I've started the diet portion and since he said I have a good handle on the diet, the next appointment won't be for another 3 weeks.  We'll here on out use that to be official- so for future blog posts, I'm only going to post weight once I've gone to his office and I'm not going to use the scale at home for it.

Continuing on, I'm pretty happy with the picture this week.  I can see some tone coming in and when I look in the mirror, I can see a definitive difference from where I was before.

After 3 weeks of Insanity
Right now I'm really happy seeing the photo and seeing that I'm definitely starting to get results.  I honestly didn't expect to see much after only 3 weeks, but this really gives me extra motivation to keep pushing through.

And now for the stats:

Weight (at Dr.'s office)- The diet started on July 6- Insanity started July 28

July 5- 205lbs
July 19- 200lbs
August 3- 195.5lbs
August 16- 192lbs

So far, I've lost 13 lbs.


Stomach (around navel)- 37" ( 1/4 inch lost since last week...not super happy with that this time), but so far, that's a 5 1/2" loss since July 14.

Chest- 38" (1/2" loss around chest since last week).  Since July 14, 2" have been lost around the chest.

In summary, my body is definitely changing, which is making me happy.  I'm not overly thrilled with my results for the week, but it is what it is.  I'm trying to stick to the diet hard and I'm pushing myself with my workouts every day, so the results are what they are.  Overall I'm pretty happy... just not thrilled with the results for the week.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

20 Days Complete

I really had to push through today's workout.  I don't know why, but I felt a bit weak this morning, my stomach wasn't feeling the best, and I was a bit tired.  It took me quite a bit to get out of bed at first.  Still the motivation is that I need to do it if I want results- and not just half-ass it, get it going and put whatever I have into it.  So I did.  As usual with the Plyometric Cardio, I pretty much covered my workout mats in sweat... it was just really pouring off of me- even seemed like it was extra today.  The Level 1 drills still get me, along with the ski abs and in-and-outs.  It's that whole push-up position thing just eventually kills my shoulders.  I felt like I was doing better today, though.  After it was over, there was a certain sense of relief knowing that I've now finished 20 days and with tomorrow being the "off" day, that's 3 weeks that I've made it through.  After my shower, I pretty much collapsed on the sofa with my legs twitching and feeling really weak.  I know I pushed through extra hard today.  I really want results.

Monday, August 15, 2011

19 days!

Time is flying by! Already 19 days into it.  I feel a difference in myself definitely.  This morning was Cardio Power & Resistance.  Each time I do this, I can tell that I'm keeping up a bit better and I try to push myself harder.  Even though I didn't sleep very well at all last night, I still got my azz up at 5 am to get my workout done.  The way I see it, if I stay in bed or put it off, I'm only hurting myself.  If I want results, I've gotta get up, get to the workout, dig deep and push hard throughout the entire thing.  That's the ONLY way, I'm going to get the results that I want.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cardio Recover y- Day 18

The Cardio Recovery still has to be my least favorite day of all.  While it may not necessarily be as "tough" of a workout as the rest of the dvd days, some of the exercises still continue to kill me. Getting into the various squat positions and holding them for the extended time, then doing the small thrusts and holding again feel like absolute torture.  Those are the ones that I still have to stop, stand up, shake it out, then get back into position.  I'm making it through pretty well, though.  Only 2 more workouts and I'll have completed 3 weeks!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pure Cardio AND Cardio Abs

This morning's workout really kicked my ass.  According to the calendar, today was both Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.  Yeah, I really put everything into it today and wore myself out.  I felt a lot better with the Cardio Abs today- it definitely wasn't as uncomfortable as the first time I did it.  Each day I can feel my cardio getting better and better...and I did a whole lot better pushing through and getting through the Pure Cardio too.  I've been feeling better and better about myself as far as my body too.  I can see and feel the differences occuring as I'm getting through the 3rd week.

Friday, August 12, 2011

16th Day

Plyometric Cardio Circuit Day!!  This one overall is still one of my favorites so far.  The only parts that I'm hating are the Level 1 Drills (up, down, 4 pushups, run it out, & repeat), the Ski Abs, and the In & Out Abs.  Okay, well that means all of them in the high plank position.  I can tell I'm doing better and getting a little stronger because at least on the first run-through of the Level 1 Drills, I can make it just about all the way through now without my shoulders saying "no way in hell".  Those exercises for me are still a straight killer.  I'm feeling good... just wish I could see faster results.  I know they're coming and that I can tell my body is changing, I'm just impatient.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Start of Week 3 - Fit Test Day!

What a start to the day!  Although I didn't fall asleep until late, I still got up at 5 am to get my workout done.  Kristen is adamant about not knowing what my Fit Test scores are until after she gets hers done (she hasn't been feeling well, so she's had to take a couple of days off of right now her fit test looks like it will be Sunday).  So, for her sake, in case she decides to read this, I won't post up my scores for this one in comparison to week 1 until probably Monday.  I will say this, though- there were definite improvements.  I'm not saying that I've vastly improved on ALL of them- although all of them were higher than day 1.  What I am saying, though, is that while a couple had minor improvements, a few had MAJOR improvements.  I really put what energy I had into it this morning and when I was done, my whole body was shaking and felt exhausted.  I'm here at work, still feeling a bit weak and a little not-so-good, but I'll recover.  Back to the regular workouts tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2 Weeks Complete

Today is the 14th day for my workouts, which is my off-day.  As I did last week (and what I'm planning on continuing doing), I'm making my off-days my official weigh-in and measurement days.  Kristen and I are both noticing a difference in my appearance, although it is not necessarily translating into the photos just yet.  She's primarily noticed that I'm getting that indent along the sides of my abs.  I know along the top of my abs is definitely flattening out and my cardio is definitely coming up.  So here we go with the official results and today's photo (I'll save everyone the horror and not post up the prior 2 weeks' photos...just the one for today):

After 2 weeks (you can see part of the indent if you look near the tattoo)
Weight: 190.2 lbs. (down 1 lb from last week)
Abdomen: 37 1/4' (down 1 1/4" from last week)
Chest: 38 1/2" (down 1/2" from last week)

Although I have had some very frustrating and trying days with the diet (because there's just literally NOTHING that I can have food-wise that can just be for "pleasure"), I do know that my body is changing.  I'm not necessarily seeing a whole lot (aside from knowing my stomach is going down and my shirts are fitting better in the stomach area too), but seeing things number-wise is good motivation.  Tomorrow is Fit Test Day- can't wait to see how much I've improved since Day 1!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Insanity Day 13...And Tomorrow We Rest

I was honestly a bit disappointed in myself this morning.  I never heard my alarm go off at 5 am to wake me for today's 13th day of Insanity workout.  I heard my wife stirring around and woke up...and it was 6:30 and I needed to get up and get ready for work!!  I planned, then, to hit it hard as soon as I got home this evening.  Unfortunately my wife, Kristen, got sick, so I took off work at 1 and went and got her.  By that time, my stomach was upset and I wasn't feeling well.  I laid down for about an hour, then got myself up to get my workout done.  WOW What a workout!!  Today's Insanity was both Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.  This was the first time I had seen the ab routine.  I definitely need to either work on my form or make some slight adjustments.  In the past, I've had lower back issues, but I know that it will help me if I strengthen my core (that, plus I wanna look really good for myself and for my wifey!).  I knocked both workouts out back-to-back.  Now I'm really exhausted and all of the muscles in my stomach are twitching.  I'm proud to say that right now, being that I finished my 13th day and tomorrow is my off-day, that I've completed the first 2 weeks!! Small victories- halfway done the first month!!  Tomorrow is photo day and measurements... looking forward to my next Fit Test in two days!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Cardio Power and Fitness Day 12

I didn't sleep well last night for whatever reason.  Probably because I'm planning on taking my final for Calculus class today.  My alarm woke me up at 5 and I REALLY didn't want to get out of bed.  I knew I had to so that I could get up and moving and knock out my 12th day.  I feel really good.  I feel that my cardio is really coming up a lot.  Although I've really given it all that I could, I'm not feeling like I did back on day1 where I felt completely like death.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow, kind of - it's both Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.  It will be the first day that the Cardio Abs program has been added in.  I really don't know what to expect!  Til tomorrow...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 11 - Cardio Recovery

Today was back to the Cardio Recovery dvd.  Although it's "recovery", yeah you definitely work up a sweat...and a few of the exercises, I'll agree with my wife when she says they they're sadistic.  I feel like I'm gaining at least a little more flexibility... maybe not much, but a little bit.  I also think that my cardio and fitness level are starting to come up some because this time I didn't feel like I suffered as much as I did the last time.  I was also able to push through for more reps on a few things than what I did last week.  I still feel focused and motivated because if nothing else, I can feel some results even just with doing stuff like climbing a few flights of stairs, my breathing isn't as heavy now.  It's a bit hard for me to believe that with 2 more days of exercises, I'll have then completed half of the first month.  (Baby steps!!)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 10

It's Saturday!! But not exactly a rest day for me.  At least not from doing my workouts.  I'm really trying to stay on a schedule getting up early and getting it done.  I did, admittedly, let myself sleep in a bit this morning.  Instead of hitting Insanity at 5 am, I set my alarm for 6:30.  When I got up, my back was still a bit tight, but definitely better than it has been for the last few days.  The stretching portion of the dvds, I think, has really helped out a lot.  Today again was the Plyometric Cardio Circuit.  I still am having issues with all of the stuff from the "plank" (push up position)- that position continues to be one of my weakest areas.  I definitely feel my cardio coming up, so I've started to push that much harder too.  I swear- the amount of sweat that I put out today!! HOLY COW!!  I definitely exhausted myself and did the most and the best that I could do.  I'm really looking forward to re-taking the fit test next week.  I KNOW I can feel a difference and I KNOW that my numbers are going to be improved.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Yesterday I had made a Facebook status about how huge and nasty the supplement pills that I'm supposed to take are.  They're like the freaking size of horse pills and there's a bunch that I'm supposed to take multiple times per day.  I was then asked what all I was taking (and yes these were all prescribed by my doctor/certified nutritionist).  So here it goes:

2 pills 3 times per day (pictured- and no I can't tell you off-hand which is what)

Adaptocrine (K2) - for adrenal support
Glysen (K1) - for sugar metabolism support
Opticrene (K3)- for endocrine support
Osteo-Mins PM w/ D - for bone health

A baggie of what I have at my desk- I have to take all of these 3 times per day... I look like a damn junkie or something!

2 pills per week

Vitamin D 25,000

1 scoop once per day in 6 to 8 oz of water

Evac - it's a fiber supplement (and it's disgusting!!)

Okay so that's everything that I'm taking...or at least supposed to take each day (or like the Vitamin D, per week).  Admittedly I haven't taken them as much or as frequently as I'm supposed to.  I still need to work on that.  At the same time, looking at the quantities of each in the bottle, I honestly can't afford to spend an extra $150+ per month/month and a half on supplements.  To be real- that's just not feasible for me.

Day 9 - hmmmm

This was the second morning that I woke up with my lower back being stiff.  In all fairness, I couldn't get it loosened up yesterday at all.  When I got out of bed, I was honestly thinking about taking the day off of Insanity and trying to loosen up my back.  With my plan and focus, though, I knew I couldn't take the day off, so again I was hoping that the stretching portion would help loosen me up.  Today was "Pure Cardio" day.  Starting off with the slow job, I started to regret getting started.  However, after getting through the first round of warm-ups the ache started to subside, so I pushed myself a bit harder.  The stretching did help and got me through the rest of the workout.  I still feel a little tight as I write this, but I feel better than what I did yesterday.  I really sweated my ass off this morning and pushed myself hard and really tried to give extra effort.

Now, here's my puzzlement.  I know my doctor is really focused on me losing weight (hence the pretty damn strict diet).  It was also mentioned about me losing fat %, which is something that I had already known that I needed to work on.  My wife and I were talking about this last night.  At some point, there's going to be that plateau of where I'm not losing weight.  There's also that point of which I'm building muscle.  So with both the weight and the fat percentage being areas of focus (and him mentioning that I really cant come off the diet til I get down to 175 - on his scale, which is about 170 on mine at home.... keep in mind, I weigh in late afternoon and fully clothed at his office), what happens if my weight isn't/doesn't drop but I burn off most of the fat?  Anyone that is really into nutrition, etc, please help me out here and explain.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Insanity Day 8 - Beginning of Week 2

WOW this was a rough morning!  I think I slept too long in the same position last night, because when I got up, my back was really tight (it still is, as a matter of fact).  I honestly had to pry myself out of bed to get up and do my workout- that day off really didn't do me any favors as I just really wanted to sleep this morning instead.  Day 8 went back to Cardio Power and Resistance.  I really had to dig deep this morning and push through the workout.  I really didn't feel like I had the energy or strength to get through it.  My main motivation this morning really was just thinking about if I didn't do it and didn't give it my best, that I'd never get the results that I want.  I needed to get off to a good start for week 2.  I'm not going to say that it was my absolute best workout, but I feel like I gave it all that I had this morning plus some.  I do know that I really gave all of the energy that I had and really wiped myself out.  Now I have a full day of work...I'd rather go home and sleep today honestly.  I'm sure that tomorrow's workout is going to  be better.  That day off really threw me off.  I know I'm supposed to take that day and rest my body and let it recover some, but man, that was tough getting back into it the following day.  ... 'til tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Insanity Day 7 - The Day Off

Admittedly, it feels a bit weird not getting right up and doing my Insanity workout.  I know I know- today is the day to rest and recover and get ready for week 2.  I'm looking forward to getting started on the 2nd week.  Honestly that surprises me just a little bit that I'm THAT much into a workout DVD.  Right now, it's just proving that as amped up as I have been seeing the infomercial time and time again, that it's the one for me.  I figured that aside from just mentioning that this morning, I'd put up my week 1 photo along with the original to see the progression.  I'm not seeing a difference yet as far as the photos go, nor did I expect to. 

Chest: 39" (down 1/2")
Stomach: 38 1/2" (down 1/2")
Weight: 191 lbs (up 1 lb- although I believe there are other contributing factors involved...unofficially 190 yesterday)
After 1 week of Insanity
Day 1

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Insanity Day 6 - Back to Plyometrics

Got up early again this morning to knock out my workout before work.  So far that timing has worked out pretty good on a couple of levels.  First, I've felt a bit more awake when I've actually gotten to work.  I haven't felt like crashing during the day either.  Secondly, I've pretty much been ready to drop around 10 or 10:30 at night and have been sleeping at least until 3:30 or 4 am...or on the lucky days, until my alarm actually goes off at 5.  That's a WHOLE LOT more sleep than I've been getting for a really long time now.  So, if nothing else, Insanity is getting me more rest- the rest that I actually need.

Okay, so onto the workout part.  I feel like my cardio is starting to come up some already, even though it's only been day 6.  I got through most of the Plyometric Cardio Circuit without taking as many breaks this time.  I'm still having a lot of trouble around the halfway point through the workout when it switches up to a lot of the exercises involving push-ups and moves from the high-plank position.  I've never been one that's really been great like that with push ups, so it's giving me a lot of difficulty- especially at the timing of that in the workout.  I'm really sore and really feeling it today.  I'll go with saying that it's a good thing and that it means that something is working.  I'm digging deep and pushing hard.  I want results.  One thing I am glad of right now, is that tomorrow is the "off day" even though part of me feels as though I should be doing something.  I know not to over train and to give my muscles some rest, so I wont push and do stuff tomorrow.  I plan on taking a picture tomorrow morning and posting that to be my week 1 photo.  I'm not expecting much in the line of visual differences, as it's only been a week.  I think it'll be fun/cool to compare, however, as time goes on.  So, I'll say this now, being that there's no workout tomorrow- one week of Insanity complete!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 5 of Insanity - Pure Cardio

I think this morning, Sean T summed it up absolutely right when he said "this shit is bananas" while he's laying on the floor.  I feel like I did pretty well keeping up this time.  I can definitely feel my cardio starting to come up.  Some of my toughest areas in general are still some of the stretches.  I'm looking forward to strengthening my muscles and gaining flexibility.  I was a little surprised with the pure cardio that although the exercises were intense, it was one circuit through.  With the other days, it's been the same exercise and multiple times through.  It's almost the end of week 1 and although it's been tough, I'm still really enjoying it.  Out of the workout videos that I've seen of have attempted to do, this one has really kept my attention and I'm really liking how each day is different.  Tomorrow's video is back to the one from  day 2- plyometrics.  I'm looking forward to doing that one again....and then having my day off on day 7. :-)