Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Journey Through Insanity

Okay, really, it's not what you think!  No, I'm not going nuts, though maybe just a little bit.  I decided to order the workout DVD set - "Insanity".  I figure that I need to get in better shape and so far with seeing the infomercials and watching other videos here and there on "on demand", Insanity is the only one that really caught my attention. I also figured that now is a good time to start working out hard, as I'm on a diet that's been prescribed by my doctor.

Over the years, I've had sleeping issues and they really kicked in worse at the beginning of 2011.  There was about a 6 week period that I didn't sleep, aside from a random 20 minutes here or there.  My doctor, after lots of tests over the past few months, found that it's an adrenal issue, so he prescribed a diet (and also wanted me to lose some weight).  At this point, I've now been on the diet for about 3 weeks.  I've lost almost 12 lbs, 3 inches from my abdomen, and about 1/2 inch from my chest.  The diet sucks, though.  No gluten, no dairy, no shell fisth, no sugar or artificial sweeteners.  I mean, really, is there anything that I CAN have?

So then moving on.  I ordered the Insanity DVDs from Beachbody on July 22 and received them on July 27.  That shipping was REALLY fast and I'm impressed.  The first step in the process is on day 1 do the "fit test".  This gives you a baseline as to where you are fitness-wise.  It's about 30 minutes of different exercises that will be used throughout the 63-day workout period.  Yes- it's a 63-day commitment.  Right now I am planning on doing it for the 63 days.  This morning, I got up early, with the thought of "how hard can the fit test be".  Yeah, I found out rather quickly.  It's a killer, as shown by the fact that afterwards, I laid on the floor for about 10 minutes or so trying to compose myself.  My stomach felt queezy and I was soaked in sweat and gasping for air.  That's okay, though.  The point of Insanity is to push yourself to the limit, so you gain your best results.  I'm sitting here typing this and I'm sore and tired and feel kind of dazed, yet there's this sadistic part of me that can't wait for tomorrow's workout- "Plyometric Cardio Circuit".  I'm going to post pictures of my progression (probably about once a week).  I want to see/keep track for myself how hopefully my body is changing as I go through the circuits.  If it serves as an inspiration to anyone else, that's great too.

Day 1

Stats (I'm 5'10")
Weight: 190lbs
Stomach: 39"
Chest: 39 1/2"


  1. Good going, Ken, and very brave of you to share your journey with the rest of us. With the diet restrictions, do you find that you are basically eating the same foods all the time??

  2. Not really. There's enough of a variety of things that I CAN eat, honestly. Lean meats, vegetables, fish, rice, and fruits are all encouraged. The biggest issue that I've found is in regards to beverages. As I'm not supposed to have anything with caffeine it (which I forgot to mention before), it's VERY limited. Now, I'm not saying that I'm not treating myself to the random soda, but if I follow it strictly, it seems like water is about the only drink option. There are these "fruit infusions" that my wife and I have found. I'm going to find out at my appointment on the 3rd if they're "legal".

    Kristen has been doing a wonderful job preparing meals and doing shopping to give me a real variety of foods and snacks. The big thing right now is doing A LOT of label reading.
