Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What Makes Penn State Different Than Ohio State

For those that don't know me, just know this- I do not like the Ohio State Buckeyes.  I never have and I never will.  No offense to my friends that went to/have connections to OSU, but for real- shady-ass athletic department.  Jim Tressel was NOT a saint no matter how the university tries to twist it around.  Guess what: he got busted for the same thing he did at Youngstown State!!  Was anyone REALLY supposed to be surprised to hear that he lied about not knowing that his players were getting other benefits?  I wasn't.  Terrell Pryor did what he had to do...I mean after all, you really do believe you should get whatever you want, especially when your mentor is LeBron James (who got busted for "benefits" in high school).  Anyway, we know all of the stuff that has been in the news that the NCAA is investigating Ohio State for.  I won't go all into that, but I will say that if there's a school that would deserve the "death penalty" well, OSU would be it.

On the flipside, Penn State is a school that has never been in trouble with the NCAA for any of their sports.  PSU does actually take NCAA rules seriously and the Compliance Department actually does their job.  According to an article on, Joe Pa admitted to breaking what would be a minor rules infraction.  On one of his walks through campus, he saw some of the football team having an informal practice.  He stopped and looked and didn't speak a word to anyone.  Eventually he mentioned to one of his assistants that one of the players looked good.  Technically that was an infraction.  To keep in good moral standing, it was then reported to the Compliance Dept. and in turn to the NCAA.  This SHOULD end up with a slap on the wrist and a "don't do it again".  Why even bring this up?  Because it's the right thing to do.

So, Ohio State, maybe in the future, you should pay just a bit more attention to how Penn State operates and maybe people outside of Ohio will actually not mind you so much.  Oh wait, you do bring in a lot of $$$ for the NCAA, so you'll probably just get a slap on the wrist for all of your million major violations anyway.  Nevermind.

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