Tuesday, August 23, 2016

It's Been A Long Time and Things Have Changed

Well my friends, it's been a heck of a long time since I posted (in fact, I forgot I had this blog- thanks for the reminder Facebook).  I guess it's time for a bit of a reboot and time to catch up on what's been going on.  Please forgive me if some of this was already posted before- while I think about things, I'm not going back to read the past...like I said, it's a reboot.  With that said...

My body still isn't where I want it to be.  Without the proper diet, Insanity, while getting me in better shape, didn't get me ripped and looking like everyone on the advertisements.  I believe genetics plays a role in that as well.  (Maybe an unhealthy dose of steroids too? haha jk).

I'm a graduate of Penn State University as of August 2013.  I can't believe that it's been 3 years already!  Yes, I'm still 100% a Penn Stater and am so happy football season is about to start again!

With the health and working out thing:

Since taking a job with AccessAgility in Vienna, VA in February 2015, my mental health has been a whole lot better.  With any job one has, there are going to be pluses and minuses, but here and for me, the pluses are great.  It's a good group of people to work with and the stress level here is pretty low. Don't get me wrong- it's not that there is no stress, maybe I've just learned to cope with things a whole lot better as I've gotten older. I have to say that this is a really healthy work environment.

I also started hitting the gym a whole lot more.  I definitely wasn't happy with my appearance and I've been working on changing that.  Again- the diet itself hasn't been the best, but I have noticed changes in my body over the last year and a half.  Obviously I would like those changes to move faster but there are changes.  My shirt size has come down and last fall I even had to buy smaller-waisted pants!

To me, lifting weights and getting stronger hasn't moved the progress on enough to me, so around mid-July I changed my strategy.  Keep in mind, I have had a streak of logging my meals on MyFitnessPal for over 450 days.  Reading other blogs and articles online got me thinking and changing my mind-set.  My strategy became "lean out before building up".  I've never been a distance runner, but having friends (and my dear wife) doing Couch To 5K motivated me to get out and run.  I mean most runners who have been doing it for a while are pretty lean.

My first day out, I ran the majority of 3 miles.  Yes there was some walking. Yes I have been refereeing soccer for several years and playing other sports, but those activities rely on sprints rather than distance.  I've never argued that I don't have okay cardio, just I never did distance.  Well, Day 2 I ran the entire 3 miles.  Being able to do that was motivation to me.  At that point I knew I COULD do it.  Well, 2 weeks later, I entered my first 5K race- Potomac River Running 13th Birthday Bash.  Was that pretty quick?  Yeah sure was.  I did hit my goals:

- Finish the whole race without walking
- Don't come in last place

Okay I really can't help it- I'm competitive.  I finished with a PR of 10:33/mile. 

Since then I've been out running a lot more (still not seeing enough changes as of yet, but I'm trying to be patient).  In fact one day my legs were feeling good and fresh when I was around the 3 mile mark, so I decided to keep going and did 6 miles instead!  This is how I've since gotten in a little trouble with the wife.  I'll tell about that in my next post.

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