Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Registered for the DC Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon - March 11, 2017

Remember me saying how I got in trouble with my wife for running 6 miles?  Well it wasn't just the one time, it has now been 4 straight Saturdays.  My time has also started getting better.  Herein lies the problem..with some back story.

My wife has been doing a FANTABULOUS job focusing on herself and weight loss and doing the things she needs to do to make herself feel better and great with how she looks.  No matter what, I've always thought and think she's been beautiful and sexy and I see her as the woman that I fell in love with the first time I ever saw her.  She will be the first to tell you that she hates running and has been struggling with the Couch To 5K training.  She will also be the first to tell you that she's never really been athletic, so any athletic endeavor is a big challenge to her.  I am proud of her for doing the things that she's doing.

My primary goal with going out running has been to try to burn off some of this stubborn belly fat.  You would be surprised by the number of friends that all of a sudden turn out to be runners once you mention you've been running.  Now I have family and friends asking me to do 5Ks with them (since I've done one already) and participating in other running activities.  It's a bit overwhelming and somewhat entertaining to me.  I really do appreciate the support though.  Getting back to that "problem"...

Because I essentially got up off the sofa and immediately started running what results in a 5K, my darling wife has said..and I quote, "that's bullsh*t".  And about me going from 3 miles immediately to 6 miles "nobody does that.  That's not the way that works!".  Her belief is that I have a bit of a cocky attitude about my runs and act like it's easy (which it's not easy at all and no I don't get "great joy" out of running...at least not yet).  She has told me how "normal people" struggle to complete their runs when they're first starting out, but how that doesn't seem to be me and my nonchalant attitude doesn't help.  That's when I got issued the challenge.  I believe the convo went something like this:

Her: I want to see you struggle like a "normal" person.
Me: I do.  I'm just not expressive about it.
Her: I don't believe you.  I need to see it.  I challenge you to train and run a half marathon.
Me: Okay.  Next fall, I'll do a half marathon.
Her: Oh no no no.  SPRING!
Me: *shrugs* Okay.  I'll run a half marathon in spring.

I provided her with a choice of spring half marathons here in the DC area.  She, of course, picked one of the first ones- the DC Rock n Roll Half.  Now I do hear, it's a fantastic race to be part of.  There's also a part of me that's excited about it.  I know why she laid the challenge out the way she did- she knew I couldn't say "no" to it.  Her issuing me an athletic challenge like that is like Marty McFly being called a chicken- I can't not do it!  As of today- August 23, 2016, I have fully registered for the Half Marathon.

Oh lawdy be, what have I gotten myself into?  Oh yeah- and I hate cold weather, so this winter is going to suck!

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