Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Potomac River Running Birthday Bash 5K (7-24-16)

As I mentioned before, my first 5K was in July this year- and after running distance only 8 times before that!  Yeah, I know it sounds like bragging, but is a little bit.  I was really impressed with how PR put the whole thing together.  It really was a big deal for them and showing up that morning got me really excited.  There were a lot of sponsor tents (lots of giveaways- I did pretty darn well with getting stuff) and a giant inflatable start/finish line.

I got there about an hour before race time and found parking easily.  I apparently was one of the first ones there, but that was fine by me.  It gave me time to calm down and familiarize myself with everything.  Finding the port-a-jons was a key priority.  If you've never run in an event before, make sure you find them and use them before you start...and use it early- the lines get LONG....and I'm sure even longer at major events.

I'm not going to go too much into my run or how I did or how I think I could have improved.  I mean, come on, I am a rookie at this whole thing.  What I did find enjoyable is that I crossed the finish line well-ahead of someone who decided to talk smack in the corral at the starting line.  The comment was made regarding how "(I) know I can beat that guy- he's only been running for two weeks he said".  Good job, jerk!! I wasn't there to talk smack or anything, just to challenge myself.  Yes, he provided me extra motivation and I was happily eating a cupcake when I saw him finish.

PR = 10:33/mi

 Just before the finish line

 Just as I'm finishing and slowing down


 T-shirt and bib.  Talk about high quality...I LOVE this's so nice and super-soft!

Post-race cooling down

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