Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Brindley Beach & OBXRunning Lighthouse All Out Pink 5K (Corolla, NC 8-31-16)

Vacation turned out to be rather interesting and exciting in the Outer Banks this year.  I'll be posting about those adventures more in my next blog post.  For now, I want to continue on about running.  I'm not quite sure yet if it's a passion of mine or not (I've only actually been doing it for nearing 2 months now), but I feel like I'm starting to see some results.  After having run my first 5K in July and seeing that OBXRunning was hosting a 5K while I'd be on vacation, I was looking forward to running another race.  This isn't something I'm planning on traveling to do, but figuring that it was only about 45 minutes from where we were staying and that it was happening during our vacation, I thought it'd be fun.

Apparently Brindley Beach Vacation & Sales, along with OBXRunning has a 5K series that happens throughout the summer- from Memorial Day through Labor Day.  This particular race was in Corolla and it was their "Pink" race which benefits one of the local hospitals if I remember correctly.  Brindley Beach in particular, seems to host their race every Wednesday.  Fortunately this was one of the only days while I was on vacation that neither a Tropical Depression nor a Tropical Storm was scheduled to come through.  The day, in fact, turned out to be gorgeous.

I got up around 5:15 that morning so I could get ready and headed out of the rental house around 6.  I had seen on the website that they do registrations on-site from 6:30-7:30 with the race starting at 8. I had ventured up through the town of Duck before and knew that it was slow going (single lane each way plus slow speed limit), so I wanted to make sure I not only had time to get there but I didn't put myself in a rush.  Well it worked out really well as I was one of the first people, not including the workers, that was there.

Upon arrival, the signs were clear and concise- big signs pointing to parking and what the event was.  After I parked, you couldn't miss the big start/finish line.  It was a little bit of a trek from the parking lot I parked in, but that was fine.  It was gorgeous weather too.  The volunteer directed me to the sign up table where I got my race bib, tech t-shirt (which let me say is super-soft after washing), and a drawstring bag.  I was able to take my time and take things back to my car and get myself appropriately ready. 

One of the things I was looking forward to with this race was finally being able to use my RaceDots.  For those that haven't heard of them, they are super-strong magnets to hold your race bib on without putting holes in your clothes.  While I've read of some people needing practice with them because they want to hook together, I had no issues at all.  They're a little heavier than safety pins, but not something that you really end up noticing.  They also did stay on and in place the entire race.  It's a fantastic product!  (No, they have not paid me to say any of that)

As race time approached, there were several announcements, as it was also apparently Mr Brindley's birthday (yes they had cake after the race).  I also met a nice couple from Pasadena, MD with whom I chatted with for a bit and crossed the finish line with the young lady (I caught up with her near the end of the race...was a good ending).

The gun went off on time and everyone was off to the races.  Now, I'm not one to judge *wink wink* but I don't think I needed to see the one guy only wearing American Flag Speedos to run in.  While a bit entertaining looking back, just no (I mean he did finish near the front, so go him!).  The water stop was at mile 1 1/2 which felt like I had been running forever.  I never saw the 1 mile sigh, just the 2 mile marker.  I found out later that there was a sign for 1 mile though....I think I would have felt a bit better seeing that!

Overall the race went well and smooth.  I set a new PR at 9:19/mile.  Granted this course was also flatter than my first 5K.   They had volunteers handing out finisher medals and water as you crossed the finish line, with anyone finishing in the first 30 minutes also getting a video of them crossing the finish line.  Yes I did get in under 30 minutes thank you.  No I'm not posting it up here just yet.

A breakfast of various fruits, cereals, and juices...and cake were served afterwards.  It was a good time and well put-together and I'm hoping to run it again next year.

Thank you to Brindley Beach, OBXRunning, and of course one of my new favorite products, RaceDots.

 Captain America RaceDots

 2016 Finisher's Medal- Only criticism would be that I would have liked it to have the year stamped on it.  Otherwise, I think it's a nice medal.

 62nd out of 187 and a new PR.  I call that a win!  Also 5th of 14 in my age group. Not bad for a newbie.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Potomac River Running Birthday Bash 5K (7-24-16)

As I mentioned before, my first 5K was in July this year- and after running distance only 8 times before that!  Yeah, I know it sounds like bragging, but is a little bit.  I was really impressed with how PR put the whole thing together.  It really was a big deal for them and showing up that morning got me really excited.  There were a lot of sponsor tents (lots of giveaways- I did pretty darn well with getting stuff) and a giant inflatable start/finish line.

I got there about an hour before race time and found parking easily.  I apparently was one of the first ones there, but that was fine by me.  It gave me time to calm down and familiarize myself with everything.  Finding the port-a-jons was a key priority.  If you've never run in an event before, make sure you find them and use them before you start...and use it early- the lines get LONG....and I'm sure even longer at major events.

I'm not going to go too much into my run or how I did or how I think I could have improved.  I mean, come on, I am a rookie at this whole thing.  What I did find enjoyable is that I crossed the finish line well-ahead of someone who decided to talk smack in the corral at the starting line.  The comment was made regarding how "(I) know I can beat that guy- he's only been running for two weeks he said".  Good job, jerk!! I wasn't there to talk smack or anything, just to challenge myself.  Yes, he provided me extra motivation and I was happily eating a cupcake when I saw him finish.

PR = 10:33/mi

 Just before the finish line

 Just as I'm finishing and slowing down


 T-shirt and bib.  Talk about high quality...I LOVE this's so nice and super-soft!

Post-race cooling down

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Registered for the DC Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon - March 11, 2017

Remember me saying how I got in trouble with my wife for running 6 miles?  Well it wasn't just the one time, it has now been 4 straight Saturdays.  My time has also started getting better.  Herein lies the problem..with some back story.

My wife has been doing a FANTABULOUS job focusing on herself and weight loss and doing the things she needs to do to make herself feel better and great with how she looks.  No matter what, I've always thought and think she's been beautiful and sexy and I see her as the woman that I fell in love with the first time I ever saw her.  She will be the first to tell you that she hates running and has been struggling with the Couch To 5K training.  She will also be the first to tell you that she's never really been athletic, so any athletic endeavor is a big challenge to her.  I am proud of her for doing the things that she's doing.

My primary goal with going out running has been to try to burn off some of this stubborn belly fat.  You would be surprised by the number of friends that all of a sudden turn out to be runners once you mention you've been running.  Now I have family and friends asking me to do 5Ks with them (since I've done one already) and participating in other running activities.  It's a bit overwhelming and somewhat entertaining to me.  I really do appreciate the support though.  Getting back to that "problem"...

Because I essentially got up off the sofa and immediately started running what results in a 5K, my darling wife has said..and I quote, "that's bullsh*t".  And about me going from 3 miles immediately to 6 miles "nobody does that.  That's not the way that works!".  Her belief is that I have a bit of a cocky attitude about my runs and act like it's easy (which it's not easy at all and no I don't get "great joy" out of least not yet).  She has told me how "normal people" struggle to complete their runs when they're first starting out, but how that doesn't seem to be me and my nonchalant attitude doesn't help.  That's when I got issued the challenge.  I believe the convo went something like this:

Her: I want to see you struggle like a "normal" person.
Me: I do.  I'm just not expressive about it.
Her: I don't believe you.  I need to see it.  I challenge you to train and run a half marathon.
Me: Okay.  Next fall, I'll do a half marathon.
Her: Oh no no no.  SPRING!
Me: *shrugs* Okay.  I'll run a half marathon in spring.

I provided her with a choice of spring half marathons here in the DC area.  She, of course, picked one of the first ones- the DC Rock n Roll Half.  Now I do hear, it's a fantastic race to be part of.  There's also a part of me that's excited about it.  I know why she laid the challenge out the way she did- she knew I couldn't say "no" to it.  Her issuing me an athletic challenge like that is like Marty McFly being called a chicken- I can't not do it!  As of today- August 23, 2016, I have fully registered for the Half Marathon.

Oh lawdy be, what have I gotten myself into?  Oh yeah- and I hate cold weather, so this winter is going to suck!

It's Been A Long Time and Things Have Changed

Well my friends, it's been a heck of a long time since I posted (in fact, I forgot I had this blog- thanks for the reminder Facebook).  I guess it's time for a bit of a reboot and time to catch up on what's been going on.  Please forgive me if some of this was already posted before- while I think about things, I'm not going back to read the I said, it's a reboot.  With that said...

My body still isn't where I want it to be.  Without the proper diet, Insanity, while getting me in better shape, didn't get me ripped and looking like everyone on the advertisements.  I believe genetics plays a role in that as well.  (Maybe an unhealthy dose of steroids too? haha jk).

I'm a graduate of Penn State University as of August 2013.  I can't believe that it's been 3 years already!  Yes, I'm still 100% a Penn Stater and am so happy football season is about to start again!

With the health and working out thing:

Since taking a job with AccessAgility in Vienna, VA in February 2015, my mental health has been a whole lot better.  With any job one has, there are going to be pluses and minuses, but here and for me, the pluses are great.  It's a good group of people to work with and the stress level here is pretty low. Don't get me wrong- it's not that there is no stress, maybe I've just learned to cope with things a whole lot better as I've gotten older. I have to say that this is a really healthy work environment.

I also started hitting the gym a whole lot more.  I definitely wasn't happy with my appearance and I've been working on changing that.  Again- the diet itself hasn't been the best, but I have noticed changes in my body over the last year and a half.  Obviously I would like those changes to move faster but there are changes.  My shirt size has come down and last fall I even had to buy smaller-waisted pants!

To me, lifting weights and getting stronger hasn't moved the progress on enough to me, so around mid-July I changed my strategy.  Keep in mind, I have had a streak of logging my meals on MyFitnessPal for over 450 days.  Reading other blogs and articles online got me thinking and changing my mind-set.  My strategy became "lean out before building up".  I've never been a distance runner, but having friends (and my dear wife) doing Couch To 5K motivated me to get out and run.  I mean most runners who have been doing it for a while are pretty lean.

My first day out, I ran the majority of 3 miles.  Yes there was some walking. Yes I have been refereeing soccer for several years and playing other sports, but those activities rely on sprints rather than distance.  I've never argued that I don't have okay cardio, just I never did distance.  Well, Day 2 I ran the entire 3 miles.  Being able to do that was motivation to me.  At that point I knew I COULD do it.  Well, 2 weeks later, I entered my first 5K race- Potomac River Running 13th Birthday Bash.  Was that pretty quick?  Yeah sure was.  I did hit my goals:

- Finish the whole race without walking
- Don't come in last place

Okay I really can't help it- I'm competitive.  I finished with a PR of 10:33/mile. 

Since then I've been out running a lot more (still not seeing enough changes as of yet, but I'm trying to be patient).  In fact one day my legs were feeling good and fresh when I was around the 3 mile mark, so I decided to keep going and did 6 miles instead!  This is how I've since gotten in a little trouble with the wife.  I'll tell about that in my next post.